Hello, we are pleased that you are thinking about working with us. On this page you can register “for the first time”, but you can also register your students here.

Registering the students helps us a lot because we don't have to extract the data from PDFs or other documents. However, it is also important for us to decide who our contact person is for each student. In many countries, it is common for several agents to take care of the placement.

At the moment, the combination of registration and the appointment with the employer determines who we invoice and who is the contact person for us.

We will make this form available in the respective national languages and produce an explanatory video. However, it should be understandable after repeated use.

Nevertheless - feel free to contact us at Questions

We are of the opinion that the aim of the initial training is to get to know the language and the people. This can also be explained in general terms in a CV. If you want to create special CVs for different professions, you can do so. It is “usual”.

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