We can confirm that most trainees, skilled workers and companies manage to get along with each other. However, there are also numerous dropouts. Both on the part of the new employees and the employers.

The typical approach is as follows: everyone wants to get to their destination as quickly as possible and it is suggested in many places, both in Europe and in the countries of origin, that the B1 language certificate is the solution to all problems.

But the reality is that the language students learn by heart - just like practically all students in the world do - and forget everything again shortly after the exam. The language lessons are “frontal” and the students get very little opportunity to speak for themselves. In addition, there is a focus on grammar and national culture and ...

That's why, when asked why they want to go to Germany, students often answer: because there are many beautiful buildings and museums in Germany.

The following videos do not reflect the current status of our language programs, but the videos give an impression of what we are all about. The first video shows - that we have dealt with the topic - just like others do - in the second you can see the development towards learning to speak.

We are mainly paid for services related to “arriving in Germany” by the language schools and agents. Our involvement in the language programs will not directly improve our income, as we charge little to nothing for their use 🤪.

However, we secure our income if the students can speak German better, if they can communicate better.

What can the language program do - what will it be able to do?

You can use subtitles 😂.

There are two videos one below the other.